четверг, 8 января 2009 г.

Sex Therapy and Your Physical Health

It’s a well-known fact that good sex i.e. sex with a person you are emotionally connected to, brings immense benefit to your psychological and physical health. It reduces stress signs and symptoms, wipes away your depressive tears, improves your mood and boosts your self-confidence.
Good active sex is especially healthy for a person’s physical condition. It contributes to the normal functioning of one’s cardiovascular system and is especially healthy for men’s cardial and cordial issues. According to the research, men who have regular powerful orgasms can boast better and longer life without any hints at heart attacks.
Heavy co-breathing with someone special contributes greatly to your breathing abilities, to put it simply. It boosts your blood flow to the brain and can soothe some kinds of headaches. You’re having a headache honey? Let’s have sex and it will vanish in empty spaces! Moreover, explosively satisfying sexual intercourse brings tons of benefits with its ‘afterglowing’ moments. Muscles-relaxation process releases our body’s tension and contributes to our good night sleep preventing insomnia.
Optional bonuses good sex brings to your physical health are loss of weight (the more active you are, the more kilos you shed – keep it in mind), prophylactics of flu and colds, wonders with one’s life expectancy etc. Sex tones up our muscles and exercises our whole body – one of the last but not the least benefits worth mentioning regarding the salutary impact sex has on a person’s physical health. Since our physical health is closestly connected with our psyche, the conclusion is obvious and doesn’t prompt any innovation: only a sound body can boast a sound mind and vice versa. Cheers to good sex because it really is miraculously healthy and keeps our doctor away.