понедельник, 18 января 2010 г.
Heart failure
A heart is the engine of this body we have and in case there is something wrong with our heart it means that we will soon have a great number of other difficulties. It is the most important organ of ours and so we have to treat it good and care about it greatly. Heart counts for everything and responsible for everything because a heart is a muscle that pumps our blood and we need this blood one way or another. So, those people that have heart failure are people that have to be very careful towards their health and their hearts in order to keep those. They should never smoke and they should never take spirits for their sake. Though, there are not much of those people that follow these common and simple pieces of advice and I guess that is why heart diseases are the most common and the first reasons for people to die because of. This stress common for this life weakens out hearts and we also weaken those with cigarettes instead of supporting those. So, people should escape smoking and alcohol and all those stresses they have in their lives in order to save their hearts.